# This file contains 5 distinct time points. # This leading text should be ignored. # DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING TEXT, LEST THE TESTS WILL FAIL! (06.09.2017 09:54:00) Gesamt-Eiweiss (PU): 54 [<= 120] mg/l Gesamt-Eiweiss/Creatinin (PU): 59 [<= 70] mg/g Crea Albumin (PU): 4 [<= 30] mg/l Albumin/Creatinin (PU): 4.4 [<= 30] mg/g Crea Creatinin (PU): 91.1 [29 - 226] mg/dl (06.09.2017 09:54:00) Erythrozyten (U): negativ [negativ] Leukozyten (U): + [negativ] Nitrit (U): negativ [negativ] Protein (U): negativ [negativ] Glucose (U): negativ [negativ] Ketonkörper (U): + [negativ] Bilirubin (U): negativ [negativ] Urobilinogen (U): negativ [negativ] pH (U): 6.500 [4.8 - 7.4] spezifisches Gewicht (U): 1.015 [1.00 - 1.04] g/ml Erythrozyten (U): 3 [<= 25] Ery/µl Leukozyten (U): 4 [<= 20] Leu/µl Bakterien (U): 193 Bak/µl Plattenepithelien (U): 25 Epi/µl Übergangsepithelien (U): 0 Uge/µl hyaline Zylinder (U): 0 Zyh/µl (06.09.2017 09:52:00) Gesamt-Eiweiss (SU): < 40 [<= 120] mg/l Albumin (SU): < 3 mg/l a1-Microglobulin (SU): < 5 mg/l Immunglobulin G (SU): < 4 mg/l Sammelzeit (U): 24 h Sammelmenge (U): 3200 ml Calcium (SU): 0.26 mmol/l Calcium (SU)/die: 0.83 [2.5 - 8] mmol/d Creatinin (SU): 30.2 mg/dl Harnstoff (SU): 674 [900 - 3000] mg/dl Harnstoff (SU)/die: 21.6 [<= 35] g/d Kalium (SU): 45.4 [20 - 80] mmol/l Kalium (SU)/die: 145.28 [25 - 125] mmol/d Natrium (SU): 28.9 [54 - 150] mmol/l Natrium (SU)/die: 92.5 [40 - 220] mmol/d (06.09.2017 09:50:00) Cystatin C (Latex Gen. 2): 1.04 [0.61 - 0.95] mg/l (06.09.2017 09:45:00) Natrium: 137 [135 - 145] mmol/l Kalium: 4.6 [3.5 - 5] mmol/l Calcium: 2.4 [2.0 - 2.7] mmol/l anorg. Phosphat: 1.29 [0.87 - 1.45] mmol/l Calcium-Phosphat-Produkt: 3.10 [<= 4.4] mmol²/l² glomerul. Filtrationsr. CKD-EP: 62 ml/min /1,73qm glomerul. Filtrationsr. (MDRD): 59 ml/min /1,73qm Creatinin: 1.06 [0 - 0.95] mg/dl Harnstoff: 52.1 [10 - 50] mg/dl Lactat Dehydrogenase: 175 [<= 250] U/l Cholesterin: 180 [130 - 220] mg/dl Triglyceride: 51 [74 - 172] mg/dl LDL - Cholesterin: 91 [0 - 150] mg/dl HDL - Cholesterin: 79 [>= 35] mg/dl Albumin: 4.5 [3.5 - 5.5] g/dl Leukozyten: 4.7 [5 - 10] n*1000/µl Erythrozyten: 4.09 [4 - 5] n*10E6/µl Hämoglobin: 11.9 [12 - 16] g/dl Hämatokrit: 36.6 [35 - 47] % MCV: 89.5 [82 - 96] fl MCH (HbE): 29.1 [27 - 33] pg MCHC: 32.5 [32 - 36] g/dl Thrombozyten: 302 [150 - 450] n*1000/µl Mittleres Plättchenvolumen: 11.3 [9.6 - 12.0] fl Neutrophile: 2.60 [1.8 - 7.2] n*1000/µl Lymphozyten: 1.35 [1 - 4.05] n*1000/µl Monozyten: 0.47 [0.08 - 0.8] n*1000/µl Eosinophile: 0.2 [0.04 - 0.36] n*1000/µl Basophile: 0.1 [0 - 0.08] n*1000/µl % Neutrophile: 55.1 [41 - 70] % % Lymphozyten: 28.7 [25 - 40] % % Monozyten: 10.0 [2 - 8] % % Eosinophile: 4.7 [0.8 - 6.2] % % Basophile: 1.3 [0 - 1] % Unreife Granulozyten: 0.01 n*1000/µl % Unreife Granulozyten: 0.2 % C-reaktives Protein: 0.02 [0 - 0.5] mg/dl (06.09.2017 09:15:00) TSH: 1.30 [0.3 - 4.0] mIU/l PTH intakt: 106.0 [12 - 65] ng/l