; Inno Setup script for zaaReloaded2 ; (c) 2015 Daniel Kraus ; Apache License Version 2.0 [Setup] ; #define DEBUG ; Read the semantic and the installer file version from the VERSION file #define FILE_HANDLE FileOpen("..\zaaReloaded2\VERSION") #define SEMVER FileRead(FILE_HANDLE) #define VER FileRead(FILE_HANDLE) #expr FileClose(FILE_HANDLE) #define YEAR "2015" #define DEV "Daniel Kraus" #define LOGFILE "INST-LOG.TXT" #define REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\zaaReloaded2" #define APPNAME "zaaReloaded" #define SLOGAN "Word-Addin, das Lauris-Laborwerte in der Zentralen Arztbriefablage formatiert" #define UNINSTALLDIR "{app}\setup" #define ADDINNAME "zaaReloaded2" #define DOTNETSHA1 "58da3d74db353aad03588cbb5cea8234166d8b99" #define VSTORSHA1 "ad1dcc5325cb31754105c8c783995649e2208571" #ifndef DEBUG #define SOURCEDIR "Release" #define VSTORURL "http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/E/9/2E9D2603-6D1F-4B12-BD37-DB1410B23597/vstor_redist.exe" #define DOTNETURL "http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/5/A/95A9616B-7A37-4AF6-BC36-D6EA96C8DAAE/dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe" ; Build the solution with Release configuration #expr Exec("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.com", \ "x:\Code\zaaReloaded2\zaaReloaded2\zaaReloaded2.csproj /Build Release") #else #define SOURCEDIR "Debug" #define VSTORURL "http://vhost/vstor_redist.exe" #define DOTNETURL "http://vhost/dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe" #endif ; Specific AppID - NEVER CHANGE THIS! AppId={{8520B887-3AB1-422B-AB6B-A265D14FE4E5} ; Compiler info OutputDir=release #ifndef DEBUG OutputBaseFilename=zaaReloaded-{#SEMVER} #else OutputBaseFilename=zaaReloaded-debug #endif Compression=lzma InternalCompressLevel=max SolidCompression=true LicenseFile=setup-files\license.rtf ; Application name, version, etc. AppName={#APPNAME} AppVersion={#SEMVER} AppPublisher={#DEV} AppCopyright=2008-{#YEAR} {#DEV} AppComments={#SLOGAN} VersionInfoDescription={#SLOGAN} VersionInfoVersion={#VER} VersionInfoProductVersion={#VER} VersionInfoTextVersion={#SEMVER} VersionInfoProductTextVersion={#SEMVER} AppContact={#DEV} AppPublisherURL=http://zaa.nephrowiki.de AppSupportURL=http://zaa.nephrowiki.de AppUpdatesURL=http://zaa.nephrowiki.de ; Setup wizard ;SetupIconFile=setup-files\xltoolbox.ico ;WizardImageFile=setup-files\installbanner.bmp ;WizardSmallImageFile=setup-files\icon-48.bmp ArchitecturesAllowed=x86 x64 ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 DisableProgramGroupPage=true DisableDirPage=false DisableReadyPage=false LanguageDetectionMethod=locale TimeStampsInUTC=false PrivilegesRequired=lowest WizardImageStretch=false WizardImageBackColor=clWhite ; ChangesAssociations=true AppendDefaultDirName=false DefaultDirName={code:SuggestInstallDir} CreateAppDir=true CloseApplicationsFilter=*.* DefaultDialogFontName=Segoe UI ; Uninstall ;UninstallDisplayIcon={#UNINSTALLDIR}\xltoolbox.ico UninstallFilesDir={#UNINSTALLDIR} ; Inno Downloader Plugin is required for this ; Note that this include directive MUST be located at the end of the [setup] ; section. #include [Languages] Name: en; MessagesFile: compiler:Default.isl; Name: de; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\German.isl; ; Name: Brasileiro; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\BrazilianPortuguese.isl; ; Name: Portugues; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\Portuguese.isl; #include "c:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Download Plugin\Unicode\idplang\german.iss" [Files] Source: "..\zaaReloaded2\bin\{#SOURCEDIR}\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion createallsubdirs recursesubdirs ; Source: "setup-files\xltoolbox.ico"; DestDir: "{#UNINSTALLDIR}" ; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files [Registry] ; Keys for single-user install (HKCU) Check: not IsMultiUserInstall; ValueName: Description; ValueData: {#SLOGAN}; ValueType: string; Root: HKCU; Subkey: {#REGKEY}; Flags: uninsdeletekey Check: not IsMultiUserInstall; ValueName: FriendlyName; ValueData: {#APPNAME}; ValueType: string; Root: HKCU; Subkey: {#REGKEY}; Flags: uninsdeletekey Check: not IsMultiUserInstall; ValueName: LoadBehavior; ValueData: 3; ValueType: dword; Root: HKCU; Subkey: {#REGKEY}; Flags: uninsdeletekey Check: not IsMultiUserInstall; ValueName: Warmup; ValueData: 1; ValueType: dword; Root: HKCU; Subkey: {#REGKEY}; Flags: uninsdeletekey Check: not IsMultiUserInstall; ValueName: Manifest; ValueData: file:///{code:ConvertSlash|{app}}/{#ADDINNAME}.vsto|vstolocal; ValueType: string; Root: HKCU; Subkey: {#REGKEY}; Flags: uninsdeletekey ; Same keys again, this time for multi-user install (HKLM) Check: IsMultiUserInstall; ValueName: Description; ValueData: {#SLOGAN}; ValueType: string; Root: HKLM; Subkey: {#REGKEY}; Flags: uninsdeletekey Check: IsMultiUserInstall; ValueName: FriendlyName; ValueData: {#APPNAME}; ValueType: string; Root: HKLM; Subkey: {#REGKEY}; Flags: uninsdeletekey Check: IsMultiUserInstall; ValueName: LoadBehavior; ValueData: 3; ValueType: dword; Root: HKLM; Subkey: {#REGKEY}; Flags: uninsdeletekey Check: IsMultiUserInstall; ValueName: Warmup; ValueData: 1; ValueType: dword; Root: HKLM; Subkey: {#REGKEY}; Flags: uninsdeletekey Check: IsMultiUserInstall; ValueName: Manifest; ValueData: file:///{code:ConvertSlash|{app}}/{#ADDINNAME}.vsto|vstolocal; ValueType: string; Root: HKLM; Subkey: {#REGKEY}; Flags: uninsdeletekey [Run] ; Filename: http://xltoolbox.sourceforge.net/welcome.html; Flags: shellexec nowait; Check: ShowWelcomePageInBrowser [UninstallRun] ; Filename: http://xltoolbox.sourceforge.net/uninstall.html; Flags: shellexec nowait [CustomMessages] ; General messages [EN] en.SingleOrMulti=Single-user or system-wide install en.SingleOrMultiSubcaption=Install for the current user only or for all users en.SingleOrMultiDesc=Please indicate the scope of this installation: en.SingleOrMultiSingle=Single user (only for me) en.SingleOrMultiAll=All users (system-wide) en.Word2007Required=zaaReloaded requires Word 2007 or later. ; CannotInstallPage [EN] en.CannotInstallCaption=Administrator privileges required en.CannotInstallDesc=You do not have the necessary rights to install additional required runtime files. en.CannotInstallMsg=Additional runtime files from Microsoft are required to run this add-in. You may continue the installation, but the add-in won't start unless the required runtime files are installed by an administrator. Note: On Windows Vista and newer, right-click the installer file and choose 'Run as administrator'. en.CannotInstallCont=Continue anyway, although it won't work without the required runtime files en.CannotInstallAbort=Abort the installation (come back when the admin has installed the files) ; DownloadInfoPage [EN] en.RequiredCaption=Additional runtime files required en.RequiredDesc=Additional runtime files for the .NET framework from Microsoft are required in order to run the add-in. en.RequiredMsg=%d file(s) totalling about %s MiB need to be downloaded from the Microsoft servers. Click 'Next' to start downloading. ; InstallInfoPage [EN] en.InstallCaption=Runtime files downloaded en.InstallDesc=The required runtime files are ready to install. en.InstallMsg=Click 'Next' to beginn the installation. en.StillNotInstalled=The required additional runtime files are still not installed. Setup cannot continue. You may try again, or abort the add-in installation. en.DownloadNotValidated=A downloaded file has unexpected content. It may have not been downloaded correctly, or someone might have hampered with it. You may click 'Back' and then 'Next' to download it again. ; General messages [DE] de.SingleOrMulti=Einzelner oder alle Benutzer de.SingleOrMultiSubcaption=Geben Sie an, für wen die Installation sein soll de.SingleOrMultiDesc=Bitte geben Sie an, ob das Addin nur für Sie oder für alle Benutzer installiert werden soll. de.SingleOrMultiSingle=Ein Benutzer (nur für mich) de.SingleOrMultiAll=Alle Benutzer (systemweit) de.Word2007Required=Dieses Addin erfordert mindestens Word 2007. ; "Download required" messages (.NET and VSTOR runtimes) [DE] de.CannotInstallCaption=Administratorrechte benötigt de.CannotInstallDesc=Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Benutzerrechte, um weitere benötigte Laufzeitdateien zu installieren. de.CannotInstallMsg=Sie können mit der Installation fortfahren, aber das Addin wird nicht starten, solange die VSTO-Laufzeitdateien nicht von einem Admin installiert wurden. Tipp: Wenn Sie Windows Vista oder neuer verwenden, klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Installationsdatei und wählen "Als Administrator ausführen". de.CannotInstallCont=Trotzdem installieren, obwohl es nicht funktionieren wird de.CannotInstallAbort=Installation abbrechen ; DownloadInfoPage [EN] de.RequiredCaption=Weitere Laufzeitdateien erforderlich de.RequiredDesc=Weitere Laufzeitdateien für das .NET-Framework von Microsoft werden benötigt, um das Addin verwenden zu können. de.RequiredMsg=%d Datei(en) mit ca. %s MiB muß/müssen von den Microsoft-Servern heruntergeladen werden. Klicken Sie 'Weiter', um den Download zu beginnen. ; InstallInfoPage [EN] de.InstallCaption=Weitere .NET-Laufzeitdateien heruntergeladen de.InstallDesc=Die zusätzlichen benötigten Dateien von Microsoft können jetzt installiert werden. de.InstallMsg=Klicken Sie 'Weiter', um mit der Installation zu beginnen. de.StillNotInstalled=Die zusätzlichen benötigten Dateien wurden leider nicht korrekt installiert, so daß die Installation nicht fortgesetzt werden kann. de.DownloadNotValidated=Es wurde unerwarteter Inhalt in einer heruntergeladenen Datei gefunden. Die Installation kann so nicht fortgesetzt werden. Sie können aber 'Zurück' und dann 'Weiter' klicken, um den Download neu zu beginnen. [Code] const maxWord = 24; //< highest Word version number to check for. var PageDevelopmentInfo: TInputOptionWizardPage; PageSingleOrMultiUser: TInputOptionWizardPage; PageCannotInstall: TInputOptionWizardPage; PageDownloadInfo: TOutputMsgWizardPage; PageInstallInfo: TOutputMsgWizardPage; prerequisitesChecked: boolean; prerequisitesMet: boolean; /// Returns the path for the Wow6432Node registry tree if the current operating /// system is 64-bit, i.e., simulates WOW64 redirection. function GetWowNode(): string; begin if IsWin64 then begin result := 'Wow6432Node\'; end else begin result := ''; end; end; /// Checks if a given Word version is installed function IsWordVersionInstalled(version: integer): boolean; var key: string; var lookup1, lookup2: boolean; begin key := 'Microsoft\Office\' + IntToStr(version) + '.0\Word\InstallRoot'; lookup1 := RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\' + GetWowNode + key); // If checking for version >= 14.0 ("2010"), which was the first version // that was produced in both 32-bit and 64-bit, on a 64-bit system we // also need to check a path without 'Wow6434Node'. if IsWin64 and (version >= 14) then begin lookup2 := RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\' + key); end; result := lookup1 or lookup2; end; /// Checks if only Word 2007 is installed function IsOnlyWord2007Installed(): boolean; var i: integer; begin result := IsWordVersionInstalled(12); // Iterate through all for i := 14 to maxWord do begin if IsWordVersionInstalled(i) then begin result := false; break; end; end; end; /// Checks if hotfix KB976477 is installed. This hotfix /// is required to make Word 2007 recognize add-ins in /// the HKLM hive as well. function IsHotfixInstalled(): boolean; begin result := RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Uninstall\KB976477'); end; /// Retrieves the build number of an installed Office version /// in OutBuild. Returns true if the requested Office version /// is installed and false if it is not installed. function GetOfficeBuild(OfficeVersion: integer; var OutBuild: integer): boolean; var key: string; value: string; build: string; begin key := 'SOFTWARE\' + GetWowNode + 'Microsoft\Office\' + IntToStr(OfficeVersion) + '.0\Common\ProductVersion'; if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, 'LastProduct', value) then begin // Office build numbers always have 4 digits, at least as of Feb. 2015; // from a string '14.0.1234.5000' simply copy 4 characters from the 5th // position to get the build number. TODO: Make this future-proof. build := Copy(value, 6, 4); Log('Found ProductVersion "' + value + '" for queried Office version ' + IntToStr(OfficeVersion) + ', extracted build number ' + build); OutBuild := StrToInt(build); result := true; end else Log('Did not find LastProduct key for Office version ' + IntToStr(OfficeVersion) + '.0.'); end; /// Asserts if Office 2007 is installed. Does not check whether other Office /// versions are concurrently installed. function IsOffice2007Installed(): boolean; begin result := IsWordVersionInstalled(12); if result then Log('Detected Office 2007.'); end; /// Asserts if Office 2010 without service pack is installed. /// For build number, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2121559/en-us function IsOffice2010NoSpInstalled(): boolean; var build: integer; begin if GetOfficeBuild(14, build) then begin result := build = 4763; // 4763 is the original Office 2007 build if result then Log('Detected Office 2010 without service pack (v. 14.0, build 4763)') else Log('Detected Office 2010, apparently with some service pack (build ' + IntToStr(build) + ').'); end; end; /// Checks if the VSTO runtime is installed. This is relevant if only /// Word 2007 is installed. Since Office 2010, the CLR is /// automatically included. /// The presence of the VSTO runtime is indicated by the presence one of /// four possible registry keys. /// See: http://xltoolbox.sf.net/blog/2015/01/net-vsto-add-ins-getting-prerequisites-right /// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSTO Runtime Setup\v4R (32-bit) /// HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VSTO Runtime Setup\v4R (64-bit) function IsVstorInstalled(): boolean; var software, vstorPath: string; begin software := 'SOFTWARE\'; vstorPath := 'Microsoft\VSTO Runtime Setup\v4R'; result := RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, software + GetWowNode + vstorPath); end; /// Checks if the .NET 4.0 (or 4.5) runtime is installed. /// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh925568 function IsNetInstalled(): boolean; begin result := RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\' + GetWowNode + 'Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4'); end; /// Asserts if the VSTO runtime for .NET 4.0 redistributable needs to be /// downloaded and installed. /// If Office 2010 SP 1 or newer is installed on the system, the VSTOR runtime /// will be automagically configured as long as the .NET 4.0 runtime is present. /// Office 2007 and Office 2010 without service pack need the VSTO runtime /// redistributable. For details, see: /// http://xltoolbox.sf.net/blog/2015/01/net-vsto-add-ins-getting-prerequisites-right function NeedToInstallVstor(): boolean; begin result := false; // Default for Office 2010 SP1 or newer if IsOffice2007Installed or IsOffice2010NoSpInstalled then result := not IsVstorInstalled; end; /// Checks if all required prerequisites are met, i.e. if the necessary /// runtimes are installed on the system function PrerequisitesAreMet(): boolean; begin // Cache check result to avoid multiple registry lookups and log messages if not prerequisitesChecked then begin prerequisitesMet := IsNetInstalled and not NeedToInstallVstor; prerequisitesChecked := true; end; result := prerequisitesMet; end; /// Checks if a file exists and has a valid Sha1 sum. function IsFileValid(file: string; expectedSha1: string): boolean; var actualSha1: string; begin try if FileExists(file) then begin actualSha1 := GetSHA1OfFile(file); end; finally result := actualSha1 = expectedSha1; end; end; /// Returns the path to the downloaded VSTO runtime installer. function GetVstorInstallerPath(): string; begin result := ExpandConstant('{%temp}\vstor_redist_40.exe'); end; /// Returns the path to the downloaded .NET runtime installer. function GetNetInstallerPath(): string; begin result := ExpandConstant('{%temp}\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe'); end; /// Checks if the VSTO runtime redistributable setup file has already been /// downloaded by comparing SHA1 checksums. function IsVstorDownloaded(): boolean; begin result := IsFileValid(GetVstorInstallerPath, '{#VSTORSHA1}'); end; /// Checks if the .NET runtime setup file has already been /// downloaded by comparing SHA1 checksums. function IsNetDownloaded(): boolean; begin result := IsFileValid(GetNetInstallerPath, '{#DOTNETSHA1}'); end; /// Determines if the VSTO runtime needs to be downloaded. /// This is not the case it the runtime is already installed, /// or if there is a file with a valid Sha1 sum. function NeedToDownloadVstor: boolean; begin result := NeedToInstallVstor and not IsVstorDownloaded; end; /// Determines if the VSTO runtime needs to be downloaded. /// This is not the case it the runtime is already installed, /// or if there is a file with a valid Sha1 sum. function NeedToDownloadNet: boolean; begin result := not IsNetInstalled and not IsNetDownloaded; end; /// Determines whether or not a system-wide installation /// is possible. This depends on whether the current user /// is an administrator, and whether the hotfix KB976477 /// is present on the system if Word 2007 is the only version /// of Word that is present (without that hotfix, Word /// 2007 does not load add-ins that are registered in the /// HKLM hive). function CanInstallSystemWide(): boolean; begin if IsAdminLoggedOn then begin if IsOnlyWord2007Installed then begin result := IsHotfixInstalled; end else begin result := true; end; end else begin result := false; end; end; procedure CreateSingleOrAllUserPage(); begin PageSingleOrMultiUser := CreateInputOptionPage(wpLicense, CustomMessage('SingleOrMulti'), CustomMessage('SingleOrMultiSubcaption'), CustomMessage('SingleOrMultiDesc'), True, False); PageSingleOrMultiUser.Add(CustomMessage('SingleOrMultiSingle')); PageSingleOrMultiUser.Add(CustomMessage('SingleOrMultiAll')); if CanInstallSystemWide then begin PageSingleOrMultiUser.Values[1] := True; end else begin PageSingleOrMultiUser.Values[0] := True; end; end; procedure CreateCannotInstallPage(); begin PageCannotInstall := CreateInputOptionPage(wpWelcome, CustomMessage('CannotInstallCaption'), CustomMessage('CannotInstallDesc'), CustomMessage('CannotInstallMsg'), True, False); PageCannotInstall.Add(CustomMessage('CannotInstallCont')); PageCannotInstall.Add(CustomMessage('CannotInstallAbort')); PageCannotInstall.Values[1] := True; end; procedure CreateDownloadInfoPage(); var bytes: Int64; mib: Single; size: String; begin if idpGetFilesSize(bytes) then begin mib := bytes / 1048576; size := Format('%.1f', [ mib ]); end else begin size := '[?]' end; PageDownloadInfo := CreateOutputMsgPage(PageSingleOrMultiUser.Id, CustomMessage('RequiredCaption'), CustomMessage('RequiredDesc'), Format(CustomMessage('RequiredMsg'), [idpFilesCount, size])); end; procedure CreateInstallInfoPage(); begin PageInstallInfo := CreateOutputMsgPage(PageDownloadInfo.Id, CustomMessage('InstallCaption'), CustomMessage('InstallDesc'), CustomMessage('InstallMsg')); end; function InitializeSetup(): boolean; var minWordInstalled: boolean; i: integer; begin // Determine if Word 2007 or newer is installed (absolute requirement // for this VSTO add-in). Word 2007 ist version 12.0. for i := 12 to maxWord do begin minWordInstalled := minWordInstalled or IsWordVersionInstalled(i); end; if not minWordInstalled then begin result := False; Log('Informing user that Word 2007 or newer is required.'); MsgBox(CustomMessage('Word2007Required'), mbInformation, MB_OK); end else begin result := True; end end; procedure InitializeWizard(); begin // CreateDevelopmentInfoPage; CreateSingleOrAllUserPage; if not PrerequisitesAreMet then begin Log('Not all prerequisites are met...'); CreateCannotInstallPage; if NeedToDownloadNet then begin Log('Mark {#DOTNETURL} for download.'); idpAddFileSize('{#DOTNETURL}', GetNetInstallerPath, 50449456); end; if NeedToDownloadVstor then begin Log('Mark {#VSTORURL} for download.'); idpAddFileSize('{#VSTORURL}', GetVstorInstallerPath, 40123576); end; CreateDownloadInfoPage; CreateInstallInfoPage; idpDownloadAfter(PageDownloadInfo.Id); end; end; function ExecuteNetSetup(): boolean; var exitCode: integer; begin result := true; if not IsNetInstalled then begin if IsNetDownloaded then begin Log('Valid .NET runtime download found, installing.'); Exec(GetNetInstallerPath, '/norestart', '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, exitCode); BringToFrontAndRestore; if not IsNetInstalled then begin MsgBox(CustomMessage('StillNotInstalled'), mbInformation, MB_OK); result := False; end; end else begin Log('No or invalid .NET runtime download found, will not install.'); MsgBox(CustomMessage('DownloadNotValidated'), mbInformation, MB_OK); result := False; end; end; // not IsNetInstalled end; function ExecuteVstorSetup(): boolean; var exitCode: integer; begin result := true; if NeedToInstallVstor then begin if IsVstorDownloaded then begin Log('Valid VSTO runtime download found, installing.'); Exec(GetVstorInstallerPath, '/norestart', '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, exitCode); BringToFrontAndRestore; if not IsVstorInstalled then begin MsgBox(CustomMessage('StillNotInstalled'), mbInformation, MB_OK); result := False; end; end else begin Log('No or invalid VSTO runtime download found, will not install.'); MsgBox(CustomMessage('DownloadNotValidated'), mbInformation, MB_OK); result := False; end; end; // not IsVstorInstalled end; function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean; begin result := True; { if not WizardSilent then begin if CurPageID = PageDevelopmentInfo.Id then begin if PageDevelopmentInfo.Values[0] = False then begin Log('Requesting user to acknowledge use of a developmental version.'); MsgBox(CustomMessage('DevVerMsgBox'), mbInformation, MB_OK); result := False; end; end; end; } if not PrerequisitesAreMet then begin // Abort the installation if any of the runtimes are missing, the user // is not an administrator, and requested to abort the installation. if CurPageID = PageCannotInstall.ID then begin if PageCannotInstall.Values[1] = true then begin WizardForm.Close; result := False; end else begin Log('Non-admin user continues although not all required runtimes are installed.'); end; end; if CurPageID = PageInstallInfo.ID then begin // Return true if installation succeeds (or no installation required) result := ExecuteNetSetup and ExecuteVstorSetup; end; end; // not PrerequisitesAreMet end; /// Skips the folder selection, single/multi user, and ready pages for /// normal users without power privileges. /// This function also takes care of dynamically determining what wizard /// pages to install, depending on the current system setup and whether /// the current user is an administrator. function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean; begin result := False; if not PrerequisitesAreMet then begin // The PageDownloadCannotInstall will only have been initialized if // PrerequisitesAreMet returned false. if PageID = PageCannotInstall.ID then begin // Skip the warning if the user is an admin. result := IsAdminLoggedOn if not result then begin Log('Warning user that required runtimes cannot be installed due to missing privileges'); end; end; if PageID = PageDownloadInfo.ID then begin // Skip page informing about downloads if no files need to be downloaded. result := idpFilesCount = 0; end; if PageID = IDPForm.Page.ID then begin // Skip downloader plugin if there are no files to download. result := idpFilesCount = 0; if not result then begin Log('Beginning download of ' + IntToStr(idpFilesCount) + ' file(s).'); end; end; end; // not PrerequisitesAreMet if PageID = PageSingleOrMultiUser.ID then begin if IsOnlyWord2007Installed then begin Log('Only Word 2007 appears to be installed on this system.'); if IsHotfixInstalled then begin Log('Hotfix KB976477 found; can install for all users.'); end else begin Log('Hotfix KB976477 not found; cannot install for all users.'); end; end else begin Log('Word 2010 or newer found on this system.'); end; if CanInstallSystemWide then begin Log('Offer installation for all users.'); result := False; end else begin Log('Offer single-user installation only.'); result := True; end; end; if (PageID = wpSelectDir) or (PageID = wpReady) then begin // Do not show the pages to select the target directory, and the ready // page if the user is not an admin. result := not IsAdminLoggedOn; end end; /// Helper function that evaluates the custom PageSingleOrMultiUser page. function IsMultiUserInstall(): Boolean; begin result := PageSingleOrMultiUser.Values[1]; end; /// Suggest an initial target directory depending on whether /// the installer is run with admin privileges. function SuggestInstallDir(Param: string): string; var dir: string; begin if CanInstallSystemWide then begin dir := ExpandConstant('{pf}'); end else begin dir := ExpandConstant('{userappdata}'); end; result := AddBackslash(dir) + 'zaaReloaded'; end; /// Converts backslashes to forward slashes. function ConvertSlash(Value: string): string; begin StringChangeEx(Value, '\', '/', True); Result := Value; end;