<?php function sendMail() { $to = 'dk@doktorkraus.de'; $headers = "From: \"zaaReloaded\" <dk@doktorkraus.de>"; $reportId = $_POST['report_id']; $info = print_r( $_POST, true ); // this will be a string, not an array! $body = <<<EOF zaaReloaded hat einen Fehler ausgelöst. ----- Benutzerkommentar: {$_POST['comment']} ----- Technische Info: $info -- www.doktorkraus.de/zaareloaded EOF; if ( $_POST['ccUser'] ) { $validMail = filter_var( $_POST['usersMail'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ); $validUser = filter_var( $_POST['usersName'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); if ( $validUser ) { $validUser = "\"$validUser\" "; // space character deliberately placed }; if ( $validMail ) { $headers .= "\r\nCc: $validUser<$validMail>"; }; }; mail($to, "Exception report [$reportId]", $body, $headers); } // ============================================================= // Begin main script // ============================================================= if (!isset($_POST['report_id'])) { http_response_code(400); exit; } sendMail(); // Return the report ID and the issue URL to signal all is well. $reportId = $_POST['report_id']; $load = "{\"ReportId\": \"$reportId\", \"IssueUrl\": \"https://www.doktorkraus.de/zaareloaded\"}"; error_log( __FILE__ . ": Load = $load" ); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo $load;