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Schwanheimer Wiese Two images from Schwanheimer Wiese, Frankfurt, Germany 2025-03-04T06:21:18Z false false true

I have decided to publish some of my photos on my blog.

Here are the first two of them, both taken on "Schwanheimer Wiese" a meadow in the forests of Frankfurt-Schwanheim.

{{< figure src="20250223_152944 IMGP9786.jpg" >}}

The "Struwwelpeter" is a tree named after a figure from a famous children's book:

{{< figure src="20250223_153306 IMGP9790.jpg" >}}

Camera: Pentax K-3 APS-C, 18-55 mm kit lens (crop factor 1.5), image developed in Darktable. Raw image file available upon reasonable request. All rights reserved.